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Kenedy District

The Kenedy County-Wide Common School District is located in Sarita, a small South Texas community. The district, incorporated in 1929, serves the population of this small community at Sarita Elementary School. The school provides educational services for approximately one hundred students in Grades Pre-K3 through 6.

The district is geographically one of the largest and most sparsely populated in Texas encompassing almost 1400 square miles. Located on the southern coast of Texas, the district is boundaried on the south by Willacy County, on the west by Brooks County, on the north by Kleberg County and on the east by the Gulf of Mexico. Most of the land in the district is owned and managed by large ranches and most of the population is employed in agriculture, wildlife management or local government.

The district is also home to one of the world’s largest renewable energy projects with three 200+ megawatt wind farms with more capacity planned for development in the next decade.

  • The mission of Kenedy County-Wide Common School District is to provide all students with an opportunity to develop to their fullest potential. Sarita Elementary School will provide a comprehensive learning experience in a positive and supportive atmosphere with a strong emphasis on the state curriculum, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills. The administration, teachers, and support staff will make every effort to help students achieve in all subjects, and thus equip each one with a strong academic foundation that will secure their future success.

  • Students in Sarita School will:

    Goal 1:

    Demonstrate exemplary performance in the reading and writing of the English language.

    Goal 2:

    Demonstrate exemplary performance in the understanding of mathematics.

    Goal 3:

    Demonstrate exemplary performance in the understanding of science.

    Goal 4:

    Demonstrate exemplary performance in the understanding of social studies.

  • Objective 1:

    Parents will be full partners with educators in the education of their children.

    Objective 2:

    Students will be encouraged and challenged to meet their full educational potential.

    Objective 3:

    Through enhanced dropout prevention efforts, all students will remain in school until they obtain a high school diploma.

    Objective 4:

    A well-balanced and appropriate curriculum will be provided to all students.

    Objective 5:

    Qualified and highly effective personnel will be recruited, developed, and retained.

    Objective 6:

    Our students will demonstrate exemplary performance in comparison to state and national standards.

    Objective 7:

    Sarita School will maintain a safe and disciplined environment conducive to student learning.

    Objective 8:

    Educators will keep abreast of the development of creative and innovative techniques in instruction and administration using those techniques as appropriate to improve student learning.

    Objective 9:

    Technology will be implemented and used to increase the effectiveness of student learning, instructional management, staff development, and administration.


    The Kenedy County-Wide Common School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, or disability in providing education services, activities, and programs, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendment of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.


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